Home palliative care service for pets in Doncaster

Palliative care at home services in Doncaster so that your pet can receive the best care whilst remaining stress-free in a familiar environment.

In some cases, even modern medicine can’t do any more for your pet, and you might decide to pursue palliative or hospice care. This is when we stop trying to cure the disease, and instead move to keeping your beloved companion comfortable. Or, as I like to call it, ‘quality over quantity’. Whether you’re considering this route because treatment is unlikely to succeed, it’s too expensive, or too stressful for your pet, I’ll happily discuss your palliative care options with you and your vet to create the best plan for your family. Being able to offer palliation as a home-visit service means that your pet can receive the best care whilst remaining stress-free — and if that isn’t ‘quality over quantity’ I don’t know what is!

CalmPawz carrying out a home visit Palliative Care service in Doncaster on a dog

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